
Sunday 15 January 2012


Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore. Yesterday it was back to life outside the yoga bubble.

Sitting outside the Radisson at 4.30am waiting for the shuttle to take me to the airport to catch my insanely early flight, a group of yogis and yoginis (including the male World Yoga Champion) poured out of a taxi a tad the worse for wear - I could tell as they were wishing the driver Merry Christmas. As they were all saying goodnight they suggested doing the Goodbye pose - standing with leg behind head that we had been learning in the Advanced classes. I would have liked to have seen that.

I was so exhausted (or brainwashed and confused) after my trip that I went and did the 4pm class. I thought it would be a walk in the park yet I was wrong. It was tough, why was I surprised? It doesn't matter if it's Bikram or Ben standing up the front delivering the dialogue, physically Bikram Yoga is designed to be strenuous and challenging.

So, today I wagged yoga. Instead we went for a restorative drive in the country and had a picnic by the river in Bothwell:

Both of the boys got car sick and spewed. Regardless, it's good to be home.

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